Diagnosing Encompass Document Imaging with CSI CenterDoc Problems with Glyue Run Histories
This document’s intended use is to allow you to diagnose and solve potential Encompass Document Imaging issues on the fly.
A prerequisite for using this document is that you have access to Glyue and to the flow chart provided to you before production go-live. If you do not have access to Glyue or are missing the flow chart, please create a ticket on the Glyue Help Center for assistance.
When Should I Use This Page?
When you receive notification(s) of failures within the integration
When you find missing documents or missing loans
Already Know Where To Go?
Search through Sandbox Banking’s repository of Error Resolution pages to find a potential solution to your problem:
Note: If you don’t see one that matches then please open a ticket through your Glyue Help Center.
- 1 Step 1 – Log Into Glyue
- 2 Step 2 – Navigate to the “Run History” Tab
- 3 Step 3 – Find the Most Recent Run History for the Loan in Question
- 4 Step 4 – Select the Run History to Get More Information
- 5 Step 5 – Find the REQUEST Step(s) That Has the Red ! Next to the Request
- 6 Step 6 – Retrieve Error Message and Potential Cause from the REQUEST
- 7 Step 7 - Find the Error Resolution Page For Your Error
Not Sure Where To Go First?
Step 1 – Log Into Glyue
Step 2 – Navigate to the “Run History” Tab
Step 3 – Find the Most Recent Run History for the Loan in Question
It is recommended that you filter your run histories by, at the minimum, Start Date and End Date, to decrease the amount of time the text search takes. This is accomplished by selecting a Start Date from the left most field on the run histories page.
If you are diagnosing an issue with a loan that should have/was imaged at an earlier time, please use the Text Search option on the right-hand side to search for the loan’s Encompass GUID or account number in question.
Encompass GUIDs are retrieved by following this guide: Retrieve Loan GUID From Encompass Portal
If you can’t find the Text Search option, please create a support ticket
Please note that most integration runs that have issues will have a red [!] next to the integration name
If you don’t find any run history items when searching with the GUID or the account number in the date range provided, please remove the date filtering and instead filter the runs using the Integration option and select the correct webhook listener integration.
Search again with the GUID (not the account number).
If there is nothing found, this means that Encompass didn’t call out to Glyue. Please follow the guide(s) created by your SDE to reset and retrigger your loans. If you don’t know where to find these guides, please open a support ticket.
If there was an event found, please continue down the document to understand the run history and what happened.
Step 4 – Select the Run History to Get More Information
The integration name for the run that failed will be the wording next to the red [!] in the runs list
For example, in the image above, the integration name that failed was __http_get_pdf_file_from_encompass
Take note of the integration name for use in Step 7
Step 5 – Find the REQUEST Step(s) That Has the Red ! Next to the Request
Click on the REQUEST step(s) to open the Details page
Errors will be in the Response section on the Details page
If the Response section is collapsed (not visible) when opening the Details page then click anywhere on the Response line to expand it, see the example below:
Step 6 – Retrieve Error Message and Potential Cause from the REQUEST
Step 5 has prepared you to retrieve the necessary information to search for a solution.
Retrieving potential cause from the REQUEST:
Error messages and their locations will differ depending on the integration and the cause of the error.
For issues that are produced by CSI, like the example above, the cause of the issue will be in the
field (highlighted in blue in the image above) with the response of the REQUEST.messages
is a list of messages that are produced when Glyue interacts with most outside systems.text
(highlighted in blue in the image above): The cause of the issue with the error message that should be used to search our repository of solutions or when opening a support ticket. In our above example, the cause of the error isCSI Bridge responded with HTTP status 504 (Gateway Time-out).
For issues that are produced by Encompass, like the example above, the cause of the issue will be in the
field (highlighted in blue in the image above).details
(highlighted in blue in the image above): The cause of the issue with the error message that should be used to search our repository of solutions or when opening a support ticket. In our above example, the cause of the error isLoan '' is currently locked by another user ''.
Using the information retrieved from the response section of the failing request in your search in Step 7 can provide you with a useful and quick fix for your problem.
Some errors will also include what is called a Stack Trace which provides the pure code response from the error. You do not need to analyze this section but should include it when you open a ticket for your SDE.
If the Stack Trace section is collapsed (not visible) when opening the Details page then click anywhere on the Stack Trace line to expand it
To copy the Stack Trace for pasting into your new ticket, click the copy button:
This will grab all the information in the field and allow you to paste it anywhere you need it.
This button appears next to all the Details fields and has the same purpose.
Step 7 - Find the Error Resolution Page For Your Error
Sandbox Banking has a repository of Error Resolution pages for your to search through so that you can either fix the issue yourself or provide more information to your SDE on opening a Glyue Help Center ticket for the issue.
By inserting the error message provided to you by Glyue in the search box below you will be presented with potential Error Resolution pages that match your specific error.
Note: If you don’t see one that matches then please open a ticket through your Glyue Help Center.