Info |
This document’s intended use is to allow you to diagnose and solve potential nCino issues on the fly. |
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It is Sandbox Banking’s assumption A prerequisite for using this document is that you have access to Glyue and to the flow chart provided to you before production go-live. If you do not have access to Glyue or are missing the flow chart, please create a ticket on the Glyue Help Center for assistance. |
Search through Sandbox Banking’s repository of Error Resolution pages to find a potential solution to your problem:
Note: If you don’t see one that matches then please open a ticket through your Glyue Help Center.
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If you just booked the loan, this should be the first run history at the top of the scroll bar
If you are diagnosing an issue with a loan that was booked at an earlier time, please use the Text Search option on the right-hand side to search for the loan id in question.
The loan id (usually the field id or Record Id in nCino) is also present after
in the loan’s URL in nCino, as seen in the example below:If you can’t find the Text Search option, please create a support ticket
Please note that most integration runs that have issues will have a red [!] next to the integration name
If the details section of the Automated Booking Summary page in nCino has a message that says BOOKING FAILED -- RUN TIME ERROR ENCOUNTERED -- PLEASE REVIEW RUN HISTORY this means the loan booking failed due to a runtime error.
Sandbox Banking does not expect you to resolve runtime errors yourself. However, providing as much information to your engineer when opening a ticket is the best way to get the issue resolved quickly.
Runtime Errorsmanifest themselves in the Stack Trace of a run and may be accompanied by an empty Failure step in the run history. Follow Step 6to retrieve the Stack Trace and place it in your request through the Glyue Help Center.
The integration name for the run that failed will be the wording next to the red [!]in the runs list
For example, in the image above, the integration name that failed was dlb_ncino_create_ibs_loan
Step 5 – Find the REQUEST Step(s) That Has the Red [!] Next to the Request
Please note, any REQUESTS that end in inq, for example cc_relationship_inq, may have failed, but are not the cause of your error.
REQUESTS that end in inq are used to inquire against the banking core for certain things. These things can be the account, note, commitment, etc. If they fail, this means that those things are not found on the core and are ready to be booked. If they pass, it can mean that portions of the integration gets skipped as the services don’t need to run.
Both a pass and a fail are handled by the integration and will not stop the integration from running.
Errors are produced in dlb_scp_loan but the real issue lies further up in the response payload
The error messages from Dynamic Loan Boarding will have a location and field of what is causing the issue, for example:
- Pulled from above image’s response sectionTHE INDEX IS NOT YET SET UP
- Error messagePG2
- Process group number, which can be found in the payload by doing a text search for the group numberlnnwLoanNewNote
- Function Name of the service that failed, which can be found in the payload by doing a test search for the function name4
- Unique id of the function in the process group, which can be found in the payload by doing a text search for the unique idLNIndx
- The field that is causing the error in the service, which can be found in the payload by doing a text search for the field name
Using this, we can find the field(s) in the Request that is causing the issue:
However, failures can also be seen in service requests outside of dlb_scp_loan
Right-click on the Service Request:
Click/Hover Go To/Go To (New Tab) at the bottom and select Field Mapping
Click/Hover Go To at the bottom and select Value Mapping Set:
You may need to remove any text search to see a result
Right-click on the Value Mapping Set:
Click/Hover Go To at the bottom and select Value Mapping:
You may need to remove any text search to see a result
To find the Include If logic for a field in question go to the Include If column on the field:
Note: If you don’t see one that matches then please open a ticket through your Glyue Help Center.
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