Info |
This document’s intended use is to allow you to diagnose and solve potential nCino issues on the fly. |
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It is Sandbox Banking’s assumpting assumption that you have access to Glyue and to the flow chart provided to you before production go-live. If you do not have access to Glyue or are missing the flow chart, please create a ticket on the Glyue Help Center for assistance. |
If you just booked the loan, this should be the first run history at the top of the scroll bar
If you are diagnosing an issue with a loan that was booked at an earlier time, please use the Text Search option on the right-hand side to search for the loan id in question.
The loan id (usually the field LLC_BI__lookupKey__c in nCino) is also present after
in the loan’s URL in nCino, as seen in the example below:If you can’t find the Text Search option, please create a support ticket
Please note that most integration runs that have issues will have a red ! next to the integration name
If the details section of the Automated Booking Summary page in nCino has a message that says BOOKING FAILED -- RUN TIME ERROR ENCOUNTERED -- PLEASE REVIEW RUN HISTORY this means the loan booking failed due to a runtime error.
You are in the right place if you are reading this document to handle a runtime error.
The integration name for the run that failed will be the wording next to the red ! in the runs list
For example, in the image above, the integration name that failed was dlb_ncino_create_ibs_loan
Step 5 – Find the REQUEST Step(s) That Has the Red ! Next to the Request
Please note, any REQUESTS that end in inq, for example cc_relationship_inq, may have failed, but are not the cause of your error
Click/Hover Go To at the bottom and select Value Mapping Set:
You may need to remove any text search to see a result
Right-click on the Value Mapping Set:
Click/Hover Go To at the bottom and select Value Mapping:
You may need to remove any text search to see a result
To find the Include If logic for a field in question go to the Include If column on the field: